About Me

Friday, October 10, 2014

Art & Healthcare

I am a firm believer that art creates a healthy space. When you see something on a wall that makes you feel good or gives you a sense of peace then this is the perfect segue to good health. So imagine how thrilled I was when several of my fine art prints were chosen to be part of the wall decor at a children's health center in London on Harley Street. What an honor and a huge compliment. 

The licensing agent, ZigZag Art in London placed these pieces and were kind enough to send photos. 


  1. Jan, How nice! Love the art, and love the setting! Congrats, so wonderful! BTW, keep thinking I may run into to you at one of the Collector receptions. Hope to see you, maybe at the Collector anniv. party, coming up! Happy autumn!

    1. Hi Nancy, Nice to hear from you! I've been bad about getting to receptions. Maybe tomorrow night...I'll see how the day goes. I've had lots of fun projects lately and trying out some new ideas in art.
      Thank you so much for reading my blog. I love getting comments. I was thrilled with having my prints placed in a children's health clinic (didn't make much $$) but love the exposure.
      Have a great day!
