About Me

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

More landscapes - all cleaned up.

I am finally grabbing a few minutes to scan and clean the paintings from the 100 Day Project. It takes a LONG time to scan 100 paintings. It's not for the faint of heart. So here are several paintings that I have scanned at 600 DPI.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Squares meet Rectangles

I'm inspired by Scandinavian art lately and how the work is so minimal and clean. So I decided to play around with simple shapes and crisp tones and came up with this group. I'm thinking of making
about twenty of these so I can 1. practice composition 2. work with color and compatibility.

I'ts a lot harder than it looks. Sometimes the simplest things are the ones that have the least amount of room for error.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ta da!

I am way behind on posting the final group. So here's 97,98,99 & 100.  I'm excited to be done but at the same time I'm a little lost - it was a great 100 Days. Now I'm thinking about what's next. Maybe using some of these as studies for larger pieces? Especially the more representational abstracts - I think those would translate well as large pieces.

Things I learned.
1. Enjoy the process
2. Take chances
3. No fear
4. Don't be afraid to fail. If it's bad tear it up and begin again. 
5. Find the joy in creating. If you aren't finding joy then change direction
6. Try colors outside your comfort zone. ie. bubble gum pink

***I am making these available for sale. To see the whole collection go to my Instagram page and browse. Tell me what number and I will send you a Pay Pal invoice.  (#99 is sold)
$35.00 for each original
$50.00 matted in white
+ shipping. $3.00 for US shipping. $15.00 for international