About Me

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My retro fantasy real estate shopping...

Each time I go to Palm Springs I go Mid Century Modern Real Estate shopping. It's not REAL...it's fantasy because the homes I want are: 1. already inhabited by Hollywood starlets or corporate CEO's and 2. way way way out of my reach. Thus it is a fantasy. So I figure I can own the 2-D version...what I can take with my camera. These three homes were shot with my iPhone and I used Camera+ to adjust, color, lighting and crop. 

Each home is in the Indian Canyons neighborhood. 

all three will be set up soon as fine art prints on Etsy - check back for link.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Shaping up...

Simple shapes are showing up on designs everywhere...from fabrics to table top to wall decor and phone covers. I worked on these three and used a birch wood panel as the substrate. I didn't fill the background because I wanted some of the natural wood to show because it's so attractive. So here are Shapes at a Cellular Level 1,2,3. 
(8x8 acrylic on wood panel)

available as posters right here and here

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Tropical Paradise...

Tropical places are great. Usually there are oceans and there are definitely palm trees. The colors are bold and rich and full of energy. I used those qualities to create these two new pieces, Traveling Tropical 1 & 2. 

Each band of color was masked off so I went through a lot of tape. First the layers dry - then I add more tape to more layers then they dry - then I change colors then I go over bands of color that didn't come out right. Finally I added the palm trees - using the same masking tape method. 

I set these up as fine art prints on Imagekind and Artist Rising. The originals are also for sale - unframed or framed. 10x10 on wood panel. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

more deep thoughts...

I'm on a typography binge. So I took some great quotes and dropped them onto my own photos and used my new favorite fonts and here they are. Have an awesome day! These prints available on Etsy, Society6 and Red Bubble.