About Me

Saturday, September 21, 2013

art in unexpected places

Art just happens - sometimes unexpected and so I have to capture it when I see it. Remember when it wasn't so easy to take a photo and it cost a lot because you had to pay for developing? I would never take the shots I do if not for my camera phone and because I do I am learning a lot about lousy shots and good shots and what makes one photo better over another and when composition works and when you should just delete. 
Anyway - I wouldn't have used real film on these but when I saw these dried out paint palettes I thought it seemed worth taking a photo and then making it even better with some digital manipulation. 

So here are two I took today - in my garage as I worked on a 60 painting commission which - actually  - is going really well. 

Hope your weekend has been awesome. 

**Oh - the bottom one was not taken in the 1940's...it was taken this week from the shores of Tahoe City. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

oh yes...more palm trees

Anyone who knows me well knows how I feel about palm trees. They are a constant reminder about all that is good such as sand, beaches, sun, beach towels, sunscreen, cold drinks, social time and the salty fabulous smell of the ocean.
Sometimes I just need to paint a palm tree and when that needs arises I meet the challenge. Here are two new palms that appear as silhouettes against a  bright sky. Each is acrylic on 8x10 panel with many layers that have been painted over...sanded, painted over and sanded to bring out texture and depth. I will be posting them as fine art prints very soon so watch this space. Prints will be available in sizes up to 24x30.
Thanks as always for stopping by.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

tenth & howard

Took a walk at lunch...brought the iPhone of course because you never know when that moment will come up - that perfect image or event that you just have to catch. The there are the ordinary shots that can be really interesting too. Tenth and Market is a truly an ordinary corner. It's a working class neighborhood with car repair, storage units,  a coffee shop here and there...so here are a few photos...made a little better with Camera+ and Instagram.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

bikes and more

I'm so excited about Bike share coming to San Francisco so this morning when I saw the actual bike stands and the beautiful aqua blue bikes lined up I just had to do a little Instagramming. (is that a word?). Bike Share works great in Paris and NYC - even Dublin Ireland so want not hilly and oh so lovely San Francisco?

so here's today's photo.
and then...what do you get when really watered down paint dries on a plastic lid? You get this.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

black and white

I've always been a huge fan of black and white art. I devote entire pinboards on Pinterest to this them and I make b/w art. There is something so calming about creating art that is completely absent of color yet is just as artful in composition and style.
Here are two pieces that will be ready shortly as fine art giclees. I could have waited till they were actually available but - I couldn't wait.