About Me

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Piecing Together...

Why not take my favorite pieces and make new ones? This is what I did with my latest landscapes and pop flowers. What do you think? 
This is my way of creating passive income. I spend the time to create new images and then build new product from that -- thereby doing half the work for twice the benefit. My image bank grows and I can earn royalties on my work providing financial security or some means of it
These new posters are available on Imagekind and Artist Rising

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Falling Leaves

On this piece I threw a little spring and a touch of fall into it. Many of the leaves have been dropped back in opacity to give it a translucent feel. I have added this to Imagekind and Artist Rising for posters.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lino Blocks

I love printing and especially printing where each piece is a one of a kind such as lino blocks, mono prints and etchings. Here are four news ones I created using 8x8 lino blocks and black ink. I set up all four as a poster here on Image Kind. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Donuts. Why not?

I liked making the sushi images so much that I figured making donuts would be fun too! And I was right...and also - it didn't matter how many sprinkles I added..they have no calories!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feeling Pop...

I haven't created any new poster art in weeks and it was a little frustrating. A good part of my income is poster art so it's very important that I continue to add more to my collection. But sometimes - I just don't feel it. However - today I did so -  here are four new ones that be purchased as posters on Imagekind and Artist Rising.